Reaching out to the Unreached People

VaccineOnWheels is reaching out to the underprivileged and unreached people who are not yet vaccinated and make Covid vaccine accessible to them. At times when our teams organize vaccination camp at interior villages, people are not even aware about Covid vaccine. Our teams mobilize the people and encourage them to get vaccinated. Our teams reach to the places where it is difficult for the Government healthcare system to reach.
One of our mobile vaccination unit operational in Sakri taluka of Dhule district organized a Covid vaccination camp at Kalambhir PHC on 23rd of February, 2022. During the vaccination camp the local ASHA healthcare worker informed the team that there is an area called Vada under Khambhir PHC which is far from the PHC because of which people from that area don’t turn up to get vaccinated. Our team moved to that area and got to know that most of the people of that area were not vaccinated. They mobilized the people and vaccinated those who turned up. They also moved from door to door to vaccinate the left out people. More than 60 people of that area were vaccinated on that day. The people were happy that they did not have to travel till the PHC to get vaccinated. Our time saved their time as well as the expense of travelling till the PHC.
Like this, our teams reach out to such unreached locations and make Covid vaccine accessible to the people residing there at their locality itself. We are very grateful to our partners Franklin Templeton, USAID, Rotary and Government of Maharashtra for supporting us to reach out to such unreached people.